Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Today I'm going to highlight some websites that may be of interest to writers out there.

*http://www.writing.com/: "Writing.Com is the online community for writers and readers of all interests and skill levels. Whether you're an enthusiastic, creative writer looking for the perfect place to store and display your writing online or a casual reader searching for a good story, Writing.Com is the website for you!
With 633,131 members and 1,348,206 literary items created since inception,this community is bursting with activities, inspiration and creativity."

*http://www.writing.org/: "Writing.org offers how-to articles for writers (and especially for new writers). The goal is to help you break into the writing business and avoid being victimized by scam artists."

*http://www.6ftferrets.com/: (This is one of my very favorites.) "Writing can be a lonely business—unless, of course, you're in a writers' group.The 6' Ferret Writers' Group has developed this web site to provide tips for those of you interested in setting up your own groups, as well as ideas for exercises and events for existing groups."

Check out all these sites, and let me know if you have others we should check out.

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